How healthy is your relationship?
- Do you feel that you come first with your partner?
- Can you easily lean on your partner when you are anxious or unsure?
- Do you confide in your partner about almost anything?
- Do you feel solidly connected with your partner, even when you are apart?
- Does your partner make you feel safe and secure in your relationship?
If you answer yes to these questions, chances are that your relationship is in pretty good shape. If you answered no to any of these questions, you may want to consider a couple’s tuneup.
In the early years of our marriage, my husband and I hit a tough spot – issues in our careers, depression, and lots of fighting. I am certain that if we had not gotten help, we would not be together now – 26 years later. At that time, we choose to work with a couple’s counselor using Imago. After completing our process, we had a new level of connection and intimacy and most importantly, safety with each other. I remember thinking at the time – “Gee, most couples never get to experience this level of connection and intimacy. They don’t even know it exists. They settle for “A” because they don’t know that “B” is possible. If they knew that “B” was possible, they would never settle for “A.”
When you are in a healthy primary relationship, where you feel solidly connected, where you know your partner has your back, where you know you are loved – it’s not just the relationship that is good. If you have children, they have a much more loving and stable foundation to grow from. And each person in the couple finds that life in general is easier – you just have more confidence and strength out in the world.
If you are ready to take your relationship to a deeper, more solid and loving place, contact me for a complimentary 45-minute discussion, no strings attached.